When using foldmethod=marker, how do you select or reference exactly the contents of the current fold? I want to swap the order of two folds. If they were paragraphs, I would do dap { p. However, I can't find a corresponding daz. I think the answer is obvious, but I sure can't find it here or on Google. Possibly related to this question.


Fold 1 {{{

Fold 2 {{{

Fold 3 {{{

- vi: set foldmethod=marker: -

Put the cursor on Fold 2. Then dzj removes the contents of Fold 2, and also the Fold 3 line. Or, put the cursor on the }}} of Fold 2, and dzk kills the end of Fold 1 as well. Similar results from d[z and d]z.

zd removes the fold markers, but I want to actually grab the contents of the fold.

If I could do something like viz d, that would work great — but searches for "visual" and "folding" are giving me lots of hits about v<motion>zf, which is not what I want.

So far, the only options I have found are:

  • to delete, zc dd (close the fold, then delete the resulting single line).
  • to select in visual mode, zc V

Are those indeed the Right Things to use?

4 Answers 4


There is no text object for folds in vim, but there is a plugin which provides them, az/iz: https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-fold

Here are vanilla alternatives:

  • vi{/va{. This may or may not select what you want, depending on whether your markers are in comments or not.

  • [zV]z. Alternatively you can replace V with any operator.

  • make your own: xnoremap az [zo]z, xnoremap iz [zjo]zk

  • I wound up using somini's fork of vim-textobj-fold, which has some updates that haven't made it upstream yet. Thanks!
    – cxw
    Commented Aug 17, 2018 at 12:18
  • That plugin (or the forked one suggested by @cxw) does not work for me. I get an error message on the loading of the plugin.
    – Tropilio
    Commented Apr 10, 2020 at 15:45

To delete the current fold, you simply have zd for instance

Otherwise, you could also define an operator-pending mode mapping with for instance:

:onoremap iz :<c-u>normal! [zV]z<cr>

Which will permit stuff like diz, ciz, yiz, =iz and so on.

BTW, the related visual mode mapping would be:

:xnoremap iz [zo]z

If you are on a closed fold, any regular action will apply to the whole fold.

To delete closed fold under cursor then, you need only type D or d$. To yank it to the clipboard, Y or y$.

You can similarly, for example, delete three folds from the current fold, inclusive, and place them in the system clipboard, by typing "+d3j.


I have defined a simple macro. Anywhere in a fold, delete the fold content:

map dz ?{{{<CR>:.+1,/}}}/-1d<CR>
  • 1
    Note that this relies on foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Aug 25, 2022 at 16:10

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