I assume by "column" you mean in a tab-delimited sense. You can get this effect with the following code. Turn on and off with :DoColorColumns
. You can easily make a mapping if desired.
All this is doing is using matchadd(
with a regular expression that skips the appropriate number of text+tab
function! ColorColumns(state)
let l:colors = ['green', 'magenta', 'yellow',
\ 'red', 'blue', 'darkyellow', 'cyan', 'white']
if exists('s:column_matchids')
call map(filter(s:column_matchids, 'v:val > -1'),
let s:column_matchids = repeat([-1], len(l:colors))
if !a:state | return | endif
for l:i in range(len(l:colors))
exe 'hi Column'.l:i 'guifg='.l:colors[l:i] 'ctermbg='.l:colors[l:i]
let s:column_matchids[l:i] = matchadd('Column'.l:i,
\ '^'.repeat('.\{-}\t',l:i).'\zs.\{-}\ze$')
command! DoColorColumns call ColorColumns(1)
command! NoColorColumns call ColorColumns(0)
See also the plugin https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim, which works for tab-delimited files as well as comma-separated ones.