If I have a function that takes a range, how can I echo the return value of the function?
For example, the following does not work:
:echo 2,8call MyFunction()
I looked into this, and I could not find a direct way of doing it. However, one possibility is to create an auxiliary function, that is:
function! Range() range abort
return RangeAux(a:firstline, a:lastline)
function! RangeAux(lnum1, lnum2) abort
echo a:lnum1
echo a:lnum2
1,3call Range()
call RangeAux(1,3)
@Karl's answer is pretty good but you can also use execute()
echo execute("1,2call Range()")
You can even use variables for the range:
let l1=1
let l2=2
echo execute(l1 . "," . l2 . "call Range()")
is what is to be echoed by the command
. Here the command 1,2call Range()
does not echo anything so execute()
return ''
. Basically, using call
you are not be able to get the return value, unless you set a global variable instead of using return
Using call
you are not able to get the return value of the function, regardless whether range
is used or not.
Aside from @Karl's answer, you can set some variable instead of using return
. Such as
function! Range() range abort
let toreturn = 'my value'
let s:retval = toreturn
. From :h call()
: Returns the return value of the called function. {dict} is for functions with the "dict" attribute. It will be used to set the local variable "self". |Dictionary-function|
Dec 20, 2021 at 21:19