Sorry, I misunderstood your question. I think you want the getcompletion()
For example,
given :h bufwin, return h bufwinid() bufwinnr() BufWinEnter BufWinLeave
You could get this with the following invocation of getcompletion()
echo getcompletion('*bufwin', 'help')
given :call getl
, return call getline( getloclist(
And you could get this with:
echo getcompletion('getl', 'function')
The signature of the function is the following:
getcompletion({pat}, {type} [, {filtered}])
It expects 2 mandatory arguments, and accepts 1 optional one.
The 1st argument is a pattern, which can include some metacharacters like *
(match any sequence of characters; see :help wildcard
). The 2nd argument is the type of completion in which you're interested. Currently, there are 33 possible types:
augroup autocmd groups
buffer buffer names
behave :behave suboptions
color color schemes
command Ex command (and arguments)
compiler compilers
cscope |:cscope| suboptions
dir directory names
environment environment variable names
event autocommand events
expression Vim expression
file file and directory names
file_in_path file and directory names in |'path'|
filetype filetype names |'filetype'|
function function name
help help subjects
highlight highlight groups
history :history suboptions
locale locale names (as output of locale -a)
mapclear buffer argument
mapping mapping name
menu menus
messages |:messages| suboptions
option options
packadd optional package |pack-add| names
shellcmd Shell command
sign |:sign| suboptions
syntax syntax file names |'syntax'|
syntime |:syntime| suboptions
tag tags
tag_listfiles tags, file names
user user names
var user variables
When the 3rd optional argument is passed to the function, and is set to 1, the value of your 'wildignore'
option is taken into consideration to eliminate some of the matches.
If you wanted to capture the completion matches for several types simultaneously, you could try this custom function:
fu! s:get_cmdline_candidates(pat, types) abort
let lists = map(a:types, { i,v -> getcompletion(a:pat, v, 1)})
let candidates = []
for a_list in lists
let candidates += a_list
return uniq(sort(candidates))
Usage example (in a script):
let myvar = s:get_cmdline_candidates('*win', ['command', 'function'])
echo myvar
This should display all commands and functions containing the keyword win
But all matches are mixed in a single list. If this is an issue, you could try this function instead:
fu! s:get_cmdline_candidates(pat, types) abort
let dicts = map(a:types, { i,v -> { v : getcompletion(a:pat, v, 1) }})
call filter(dicts, {i,v -> !empty(v)})
let candidates = {}
for a_dict in dicts
call extend(candidates, a_dict)
return candidates
Usage example:
let myvar = s:get_cmdline_candidates('*win', ['command', 'function'])
echo myvar
This time, myvar
contains a dictionary with 2 keys, 'command'
and 'function'
, whose values are the associated completion matches for the pattern *win
. You can access the commands with myvar.command
, and the functions with myvar.function
How to silently ignore failed calls of getcompletion()
If you think an error may occur, you could use a try
conditional to catch and ignore it. Example 1
(the output will be a list):
fu! s:get_cmdline_candidates(pat, types) abort
let candidates = []
for a_type in a:types
let candidates += getcompletion(a:pat, a_type, 1)
return uniq(sort(candidates))
Example 2
(the output will be a dictionary):
fu! s:get_cmdline_candidates(pat, types) abort
let candidates = {}
for a_type in a:types
call extend(candidates, { a_type: getcompletion(a:pat, a_type, 1)})
return candidates
Note that you need a Vim version more recent than 7.4.2011, since it's the patch where getcompletion()
was added in Vim.
For more information, see :help getcompletion()
Old answer
I came up with this code:
cno <silent> <expr> <c-x><c-d> '<c-a>'.<sid>capture_cmdline_candidates()
fu! s:capture_cmdline_candidates() abort
call timer_start(0, {-> setreg('"', getcmdline(), 'l')
\ + feedkeys("\<c-c>", 'int') })
return ''
It installs a mapping using the key sequence C-x C-d
, but you could change it for whatever else you like.
When you press it, the s:capture_cmdline_candidates()
function should populate the unnamed register (@"
) with all the candidates which would have been written on the command line if you had pressed C-a
. It also makes you directly quit the command line, so that you can put the contents of the unnamed register in the buffer you want, by pressing p
Actually, you could eliminate the function:
cno <silent> <expr> <c-x><c-d> '<c-a>'.timer_start(0, {-> setreg('"', getcmdline(), 'l') + feedkeys('<c-c>', 'int') })[-1]
You could also try this mapping:
cno <silent> <expr> <c-x><c-d> '<c-a>'.&cedit.'dd:q<cr>'
But when I tested it, the brief appearance of the command line window was a little distracting, because its name was displayed in the tabline.