How do you set a window-local option (number) in literally every window/buffer?

I was to bind <leader>t to toggle the number option in every buffer, using a global variable g:linum_status as the source of truth for whether line numbers should be active or not.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to make number act like a global option, even though it's window-local.

I have the following options set initially

let g:linum_status = 0
set nonumber

and had the following (broken) function ToggleLinum

function! ToggleLinum()
  if g:linum_status
    bufdo execute "set nonumber"
    let g:linum_status = 0
    bufdo execute "set number"
    let g:linum_status = 1

This function, however, only toggles the number option in the current buffer.

I tried switching bufdo to windo, which is a little better. Now all of the windows in the focused tab switch, which is actually fairly intuitive.

Still though, is there a way to make flip number on or off for "every" buffer, possibly exempting things like netrw file exploring buffers.

1 Answer 1


You could try the following code:

nnoremap <silent> <leader>t :<c-u>call ToggleLinum()<cr>

function! ToggleLinum() abort
    let orig_win = win_getid()
    let ft_to_ignore = ['netrw']
    if &l:number
        tabdo windo if index(ft_to_ignore, &ft) < 0 | setl nonumber | endif
        tabdo windo if index(ft_to_ignore, &ft) < 0 | setl number | endif
    call win_gotoid(orig_win)

It uses :tabdo to iterate over the tab pages, and :windo to iterate over the windows in each of them.

If, in addition to netrw, you wanted to ignore other filetypes, you could add them to the list ft_to_ignore. For example, to also ignore quickfix windows:

let ft_to_ignore = ['netrw', 'qf']

The function decides whether it should enable or disable 'number' in all windows based on the value of this option in the current window (&l:number).

Since :tabdo and :windo will change the focused window (it will become the last window in the last tab page) you can use win_getid() to save the unique ID of the original window, and win_gotoid() to get back to it, once the function has finished toggling 'number' everywhere.

You can nest windo inside tabdo? What kind of thing are they syntactically?

Honestly, I don't know what is the correct term for these keywords. But I can try to help you understand why it makes sense to nest them. From :h :tabdo:

It works like doing this:

Then, from :h :windo:

It works like doing this:
        CTRL-W t
        CTRL-W w

In the first snippet of code, the one given in :h :tabdo, replace {cmd} with the 2nd snippet of code (increasing the level of indentation to better see the 2 different levels of nesting); it should give you the following pseudo-code, which still looks valid:

    CTRL-W t
    CTRL-W w
    CTRL-W t
    CTRL-W w

FWIW, the way I see tabdo and windo, is like tab triggers in UltiSnips. That is, they are expanded into snippets of code. In the help, {cmd} is a placeholder which, in the snippet, will be replaced with the command (or here another snippet) you pass to :tabdo/:windo as an argument.

  • Wow. You can nest windo inside tabdo? What kind of thing are they syntactically? Commented Nov 25, 2017 at 20:58

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