Lets say I jump to mark with ]'
and I want to remove it, how can I do it without typing :delmarks a
3 Answers
You can delete all a-z
marks on the current line using this function:
function! Delmarks()
let l:m = join(filter(
\ map(range(char2nr('a'), char2nr('z')), 'nr2char(v:val)'),
\ 'line("''".v:val) == line(".")'))
if !empty(l:m)
exe 'delmarks' l:m
and with a map
nnoremap <silent> dm :<c-u>call Delmarks()<cr>
I'm going to swim against the stream on this one.
Just don't worry about it.
Marks are pretty ephemeral and there are bunch of marks Vim automatically maintains like '[
, ''
, and '.
Humans are typically very bad at bookkeeping so we typically use only a few registers and a few marks. I personally only use a few a-z
marks (typically 'm
) and often only in few immediate contexts e.g. macros or jumping between a few spots. Your workflow maybe different, but I see no reason to "clean up" the marks.
Now to answer your question:
nnoremap dm :execute 'delmarks '.nr2char(getchar())<cr>
Now you can do dma
to delete mark 'a
Or to delete all marks on the current line:
command! Delmarks silent execute 'delmarks '.join(map(filter(filter(map(split(execute('marks'),"\n"),'split(v:val)'), 'v:val[1]==line(".")&&v:val[0]!~#"[A-Z]"'), 'v:val[1]==line(".")&&v:val[0]!~#"[A-Z]"'), 'v:val[0]'))
Just map this to a key to so you don't have to type out :Delmarks
I work with large source files and quite often need to move bookmark few lines up or down. Since @Mass posted similar answer first I will accept his. Thank you for your opinion.– noeeCommented Oct 20, 2017 at 21:45
To delete a mark you can use :delmark
it can be shortened to :delm
If you really want something shorter you can map a function which asks for an input but it's not really a common practice to have a map which takes a parameter or ask for an input.
function! MarkDelete()
call inputsave()
let l:mark = input("Mark to del: ")
call inputrestore()
execute 'delmark '.l:mark
Now just map it:
nnoremap <F2> call MarkDelete()<CR>