On a Unix system you can add this to your vimrc:
if system('date +%H') > 18
colorscheme night
colorscheme day
date +%H
is a shell command which returns the hour in a 24 format (see man date
allows you to get the result of a system command in vimscript. It is then easy to compare its result with the hour you want to trigger your setting.
EDIT as @LucHermitte pointed out in the comments, you should use strftime('%H')
instead of system('date +%H')
this is more portable.
Note that with this solution the code is only executed when you source your vimrc so if you start vim at 5:30 pm, your colorscheme will not change at 6:00 pm if you don't reload your vimrc.
EDIT - Automated and auto-update solution
I did this because I thought it was fun to do. The plugin linked in @ljden answer may be more robust, this is only a lightweight solution which may have some flaws. The fun thing about this solution is that it will change the colorscheme automatically without having to source your vimrc again: You can finally code for 24h straight without having to think about your colorscheme!
This solution will only work with vim8+ and the options +timers
and +job
The idea is pretty simple, you define:
the hour after which we should use daytime colorscheme
the hour after which we should use nighttime colorscheme.
the colorscheme to use in daytime
the colorscheme to use in nighttime
We create two helper functions:
which returns the number of milliseconds between two hours of the day.
which returns a boolean saying if the current hour is between g:dayTime
and g:nightTime
We also create the function ScheduleNewColorscheme
which will do two things:
- Set the colorscheme according to the hour of the day
- Set a trigger to call itself when we pass
or dayTime
Finally, we call the function immediately when the .vimrc
is sourced to set the correct colorscheme:
" Define the hours which triggers the dayly colorscheme
let g:dayTime = [9, 30]
" Define the hours which triggers the nightly colorscheme
let g:nightTime = [18, 0]
" Define the colorschemes used by day and by night
let g:colorschemeDay = 'jellybeans'
let g:colorschemeNight = 'darkblue'
" Return the number of milliseconds beetwen the current hour and a target hour.
" Handles the case of a target hour the next day.
" Both hours should be lists composed of two elements: hours and minutes.
" Eg 11:20 pm = [23, 20]
" 09:00 am = [9, 0]
function! TimeDiff(current, target)
let targetMilli = (a:target[0] * 3600 + a:target[1] * 60) * 1000
let currentMilli = (a:current[0] * 3600 + a:current[1] * 60) * 1000
if (a:target[0] > a:current[0] || (a:target[0] == a:current[0] && a:target[1] > a:current[1]))
return targetMilli - currentMilli
return (24 * 3600 * 1000) + ( currentMilli - targetMilli )
" Check if the current hour is between g:dayTime and g:nighTime
function! IsDayTime()
let hCurrent = strftime('%H')
let mCurrent = strftime('%M')
if hCurrent == g:dayTime[0]
return mCurrent >= g:dayTime[1]
elseif hCurrent == g:nightTime[0]
return mCurrent < g:nightTime[1]
return hCurrent > g:dayTime[0] && hCurrent < g:nightTime[0]
" According to the current time and the nighttime, set the colorscheme and create
" a trigger for the job which will change the colorscheme
function! ScheduleNewColorscheme(timer)
" Define colorscheme and next time depending on time of day
if IsDayTime()
let newColorscheme = g:colorschemeDay
let targetDate = g:nightTime
let newColorscheme =g:colorschemeNight
let targetDate = g:dayTime
" Set new colorscheme
echom 'setting colorscheme ' . newColorscheme . ' at ' . strftime('%H:%M')
execute 'colorscheme ' . newColorscheme
let currentDate = [strftime('%H'), strftime('%M')]
let startDelay = TimeDiff(currentDate, targetDate)
" Create the trigger for the next change
call timer_start(startDelay, 'ScheduleNewColorscheme', {})
" When sourcing your vimrc set the colorscheme immediately
call timer_start(0, 'ScheduleNewColorscheme', {})
EDIT I looked at the plugin linked in @ljden's answer and it includes another plugin in its source code (colorscheme-switcher) which requires a third plugin (vim-misc). So I thought why not make a lightweight plugin of my own? So here it is.