I think everyone knows that vim can't display multiline messages in quickfix (yes, I know that it can parse them and show them as one big line). I thought about ways to workaround this and thought what if vim can wrap lines at arbitrary characters, I know it can wrap lines that are longer than number current screen. Maybe it can be done with arbitrary lines? If it would be so I could insert some characters instead of newlines in multiline messages so that vim would break lines at this characters.
1 Answer
The linebreak
option instructs vim to wrap at the characters specified in the breakat
option (by default spaces and a handful of punctuation characters). You can choose some "harmless" control character. For example, ^Y or control+Y
set wrap linebreak
exe "set breakat=\<c-y>"
will turn
I think everyone knows that vim can't display^Ymultiline messages in quickfix
(visually) into
I think everyone knows that vim can't display^Y
multiline messages in quickfix
This introduces the problem that <c-y>
is visible as ^Y
. For this you could use vim's conceal feature.
syn match QFBreak /\%o31/ conceal cchar=↲
set cole=2
To completely hide the character, use set cole=3
1This will only break if the line isn't fitted on the screen. I'm talking about breaking it even if it fits the screen. Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 21:26
Ah, okay. I don't know personally, but hopefully someone else has a solution.– MassCommented Aug 29, 2017 at 1:06
I don't have high hopes on that. Since this would be a nice workaround for multiline quickfix problem and I never heard of it. Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 10:07