With a "long" ruby file (896 lines in my case) the ruby syntax highlighting is lost when I G
to the bottom of the file. Once that happens and I go back to the top with gg
, the syntax highlighting remains off. The only way to get the syntax highlighting back is to just reload the file with :e
However, if I just <CTRL-F>
from the top all the way to the bottom, then the syntax highlighting remains.
This is a bit similar to this post but definitely not the same, as this happens every time I follow the steps listed above. Highlighting for my :help or .vimrc files is NOT lost, even though my .vimrc file is over 1000 lines long [I know, I know... I have to reorganize this; just haven't had time:].
My syntax-specific plugins include the following; I guess the next thing to try is to remove them one at a time and see which one is the perp.
And the last change is:
Last set from /usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.0.0692/share/vim/vim80/filetype.vim
So not much information there.
This only started happening "recently" (past few weeks, plus my machine was re-imaged for macOS Sierra and I've now got the latest versions of everything).
Happens both inside/outside of tmux
Any suggestions besides the brute force approach?