In C and C-like languages, I can use % to jump to the corresponding curly brace that the cursor is on. This is a well-known "trick".

But in Ruby for example:

def fun
    [1, 2].each do |n|

This doesn't work, since ruby doesn't use the characters in matchpairs (set to (:),{:},[:],<:> by default.

I tried setting that, but it doesn't work:

:set matchpairs=def:end
E474: Invalid argument: matchpairs=def:end

Can I get this to work with languages such as Ruby as well? Note this is not a Ruby-specific question, other examples might be shell scripts (if/fi) or Lua (function/end), and many many more.

2 Answers 2


You can use the matchit plugin. This is included in modern vim distributions, so all you have to do to use it is add the following to your vimrc:

runtime macros/matchit.vim

You can also get it packaged as a plugin if you prefer. It recognizes many keywords by default (including def and end) and can be extended to recognize more.

  • 1
    Note: typing :runtime macros/matchit.vim doesn't work; you need to put in in your vimrc and restart Vim... Feb 3, 2015 at 20:10
  • I did that. Still doesn't work for me :( Aug 18, 2017 at 10:32

The following doc matchit, the the additions below in ~/.vimrc worked for me

:runtime macros/matchit.vim
filetype plugin on
  • 1
    Welcome to the site! This is basically the same answer as the existing, accepted answer. The difference is your filetype command: it might be helpful if you described in detail why you've added this line and how it helps answer the question. (You've also got a couple of typos: "doc", "the the".)
    – Rich
    Oct 27, 2017 at 9:40

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