Copying this question over from https://stackoverflow.com/q/42474604/262108I recently started working with django templates and was wondering whether there are any autocompletion plugins for template directives like {% block|if|... %}etc that do not involve a snippets library.

I specifically do not want a snippet plugin because I find them quite distracting when editing code. Most snippet plugins would require digging thru' the docs and to figure out configuration to disable (rather than enable) snippets.

I am thinking something along the lines of auto-pairs and xmledit which does something like (assuming | is the cursor):

{% block ... %}|   <-- recognize I entered a "%}"

complete it to:

{% block ... %}
    |   <------- place the cursor here
{% endblock %}
  • I copy my comment here then... If you really don't want a snippet plugin, then I'd recommend you to hack xmledit into what you're looking for as what it does is really close. => listen for }. Analyse what is before and copy-paste-adapt it in the next line. Commented Feb 27, 2017 at 11:58
  • BTW, SO and vi.SE have the same audience of people that answer questions. We're present on both "forums". Commented Feb 27, 2017 at 12:00

2 Answers 2


The principle:

  • listen for }, not %}
  • analyse the context to decide what to return from a :h :map-<expr>
  • the mapping shall be buffer local in order to avoid side-effects with other filetypes (:h :map-<buffer>)
  • The movements returned shall be in double-quoted string and escaped with a back-slash (otherwise, you'll see the text <up><c-f> inserted)
  • I'm not sure whether autoindentation could be applied here (:h i_CTRL-F)
  • The result shall be put in a django ftplugin, and it'll even better to put the function into an autoload plugin, with its name changed to django#_expand_block() for instance.

Here is the result:

" EDIT: VA. Support if, for, block. And just copy the statement.
function! s:expand_block() abort
  " Ignore what is after the cursor
  let ctx = getline('.')[:col('.')-1]
  " get sure there is a '%' before the cursor
  let statement = matchstr(ctx, '^{%\s*\zs\(block\|if\|for\)\ze.*%')
  if !empty(statement)
    " Avoid triggering InsertLeave events
    return "}\n\n{% end".statement." %}\<up>\<c-f>"
    " Shorter
    return "}\n{% end".statement." %}\<esc>O"
    return "}"

inoremap <expr> <silent> <buffer> } <sid>expand_block()
  • Thanks for the tip @luc-hermitte and the great breakdown of the approach ! That serves as good starting point, I'll attempt to build on that for all sorts of completiions like {% (block|if|for)...
    – lonetwin
    Commented Feb 28, 2017 at 9:15

After a bit of fiddling around and reading a whole lot of vimscript docs/blog posts, this is what I came up with (starting with the accepted answer as the starting point):

function! VimDjangoCompletion()
    let matches = matchlist(getline('.'), '{%\s\+\(block\|if\|for\)')
    return empty(matches) ? "%}" : "%}\n{% end" . matches[1] . " %}\<ESC>O"

inoremap <buffer> %} <C-R>=VimDjangoCompletion()<CR>

Edit: As @luc-hermitte points out in the comment below, mapping %} is a false good idea, since vim introduces a delay waiting for the next character when % is typed. I initially added that to avoid having the function being called for every instance of } (including when typing {{ ... }} which probably is more common than directives in django templates). However, trading off unnecessary function calls to avoid the delay appears to be a good thing because the delay can get slightly annoying. I'm leaving the code as is to give context for @luc-hermitte's comment.

  • Mapping %} is a false good idea. This will incur an annoying delay every time you hit a %, even when you're simply typing {%. The only way to provide a good experience to end-user is to limit mappings on printable characters to single keys, and to analyse the context. Also, to avoid name pollution, prefer s:functions over global functions. Or even better, autoloaded functions (but this is a thing we don't see the benefit in the first years). PS: <c-r>= is what we used to use, or what we still need when we need to move around the cursor -- this won't make a difference here Commented Mar 3, 2017 at 1:18

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