I'm not sure but you could try this autocmd:
autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <buffer><silent><localleader>cr :execute '!clear; g++ ' . join(map(glob('*.cpp', 0, 1), 'shellescape(v:val, 1)')) . '; ./a.out'<CR>
If you don't pass a third argument to glob()
, which evaluates to TRUE
, the output is a string where the matches are separated by newline characters.
To avoid this, you could pass 1
as a third argument, so that the output is a list. Then, call join()
to concatenate all the matches found by glob()
The second argument passed to glob()
is 0
. It means that your 'suffixes'
and 'wildignore'
options will apply during the expansion.
Also, since there could be characters inside your filenames, which have a special meaning to the shell or to Vim, you could call map()
and shellescape()
to protect them (passing 1
, as a 2nd argument, to the latter).
It's not linked to your issue, but you could move this autocmd inside a filetype plugin, for example inside ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim
, you would write something like:
nnoremap <buffer><silent> <key> :execute '!clear; g++ ' . join(map(glob('*.cpp', 0, 1), 'shellescape(v:val, 1)')) . '; ./a.out'<CR>