I'm trying to make a mapping that inserts an empty line below without moving the cursor and to make this repeatable with repeat.vim
. I have modeled this from vimcasts. To get back to the original position after the O
operation I use mark e
. I have the code below in my .vimrc
Why doesn't the code below work?
Insert empty line above, repeatable
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>EmptyLineAbove meO<ESC>`e :call repeat#set("\
nnoremap gO <Plug>EmptyLineAbove
"Insert empty line below, repeatable
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>EmptyLineBelow meo<ESC>`e :call repeat#set("\
nnoremap go <Plug>EmptyLineBelow
instead ofnnoremap
. This moves the cursor one step to the right.