I am cleaning up some minified css. I found this article helpful for adding a newline before/after a search match. This SO thread has a pretty exhaustive list of ways to indent with VIM, but it DOES NOT include a command-line pattern that will indent, like \r for ading a newline.
The answers in this SO thread rely on surrounding formatting with the ]p pattern or using macros, neither of which serve my purposes.

Here's my command to add a new line before and two new lines after all matches for }:




I do something similar for {. However, for all matches to ; I need to add a \r (newline) and indent a determined number of spaces. I don't want to rely on vim's auto indent settings. I want to indent a number of times that i set manually in the command string.

  • Could you give a before/after example for clarity?
    – Tumbler41
    Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 15:18
  • What do you mean? Where the links to the relevant threads not enough? Giving a detailed explanation of my incomplete command would be tangental to my question. If you want to understand :search and \r go to the thread i linked to.
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 11:37
  • This one: vim.wikia.com/wiki/Add_a_newline_after_given_patterns
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 11:37
  • I updated my answer based on my guess at the before/after @Tumbler41 asked for.
    – Rich
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 13:44

1 Answer 1


Two ways of doing this sort of thing are:

With a :substitute command

:%s/\(foo\)/\r    \1/g

This will add a newline and four spaces of "indent" before every matched foo

The \( and \) around the search expression /foo/ capture the match into a group, and then the \1 uses the captured group in the replacement. This obviously isn't necessary for simple values of /foo/.

With a :global command

You can also do this with the :normal and :global commands. For example the following command will indent all lines that match the regexp /foo/ and add a line above them:

:g/foo/normal >>O

This works similar to a :substitute command, but instead of making a substitution, it applies the normal mode operations indent (>>) followed by add a line above (O) to each matching line.

You can adjust the normal mode commands to perform different operations as necessary.

For more details:

:help :global
:help :normal

Using :s and :g to Unminify CSS

I'm a little unclear on precisely what you're trying to achieve, but if the goal is to e.g. turn this:


into this:


^^^^ <- one level of indent

I'd do so with the following two commands:

:g/;/normal >>

If, for some reason, you need to add a specific number of spaces that doesn't match your shiftwidth settings, you could instead do:

:g/;/normal i    
             ^^^^ <- type four spaces after the `i`


In practice, for the specific case mentioned above, I'd probably have used a recursive macro:

  • qqq: Clear out the q register. Necessary for recursive macros,
  • qq: Start recording in the q register,
  • /;[^$]<cr>: Find the first semi-colon not followed by a newline,
  • :left<cr>: Remove any existing indentation (to remove automatic indentation),
  • >>: Add one level of indent,
  • na<cr><esc>: Jump back to the semi-colon,
  • @q: Recurse,
  • q: Finish recording,
  • @q: Run the macro.

You could also record a macro that runs on a single line and then apply it to every line with the global command.

:g/;/norm @q

The macro versions look complicated written down, but because they just use normal editing commands recording them comes naturally (with a bit of practice) and using them is a lot faster than it looks.

  • Your first solution works, but the second only runs the search as global. Is there a key I'm supposed to press to get it to run the insertion?
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 11:34
  • One more thing:` \1` adds an indent, right? Wait.. no.... where is the indent command?? That is the answer I'm looking for. It is replacing, not indenting. So I cannot add x number of indents per match with this command. Please re-read the question.
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 11:42
  • 'I want to indent a number of times that i set manually in the command string."
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 11:44
  • @AndÚ The spaces before the \1 are the indent. However many spaces/tabs you type will be the indent added.
    – Rich
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 22:12
  • @AndÚ In the second solution, there is no insertion. The global command runs the normal mode indent command >> and add line command O. If you need more indent, you can adjust the commands given, as stated.
    – Rich
    Commented Dec 26, 2016 at 22:18

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