I have a large body of LaTeX text (a whole book) which has \textit{} and \textbf{} commands interchanged in some places. In other places they are completely missing. How do I create quick shortcuts in Vim so that I can do the following:

  • Switch between \textit{} to \textbf{} and vice versa without affecting what is inside {}.
  • Wrap word or phrase under cursor into either of the \textit{} or \textbf{} commands.
  • Remove either the \textit{} or \textbf{} commands where they are not needed but put in by mistake.

1 Answer 1


If you use the vimtex plugin, you can:

  1. Change an enclosing command using csc:

    enter image description here

  2. According to the help, a ysc corresponding to the commands offered by surround.vim isn't available, but can be added. See :h vimtex-faq-surround:

    Q: |vimtex| provides `dse`, `dsc`, `cse`, and `csc`.  These seem to be inspired by
       |surround.vim|.  Does |vimtex| also provide the corresponding `yse` and `ysc`?
    A: The mentioned mappings are indeed inspired by |surround.vim|.  However,
       |vimtex| does not provide `yse` and `ysc`.  If you use |surround.vim|, then
       the asked for mappings may be easily added if one adds the following lines
       to ones `vimrc` file: >
      augroup latexSurround
         autocmd FileType tex call s:latexSurround()
      augroup END
      function! s:latexSurround()
         let b:surround_{char2nr("e")}
           \ = "\\begin{\1environment: \1}\n\t\r\n\\end{\1\1}"
         let b:surround_{char2nr("c")} = "\\\1command: \1{\r}"
  3. Delete an enclosing command using dsc.

  • Thanks, I will check it out and let you know how it worked out.
    – Ketan
    Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 2:30
  • 4
    I just want to mention that the current support for commands is only very simple. This is because it is really quite hard to parse LaTeX/TeX commands, i.e., how can I know the number of arguments to a specific command? (Answer: I can't, if I don't know the command definition.) Thus csc only works if the cursor is on the actual command or the first argument. Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:50

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