Right now I'm using fugitive to manage almost everything git related, but I can't find a good workflow to quickly visualize and switch between available branches.

I can do :Git checkout <branch-name>, the problem is that it autocompletes both file names and branches, and I'd prefer a branch list.

7 Answers 7


To summarize the answers, here are the ways to accomplish this:

Vanilla Terminal Vim in a shell with job control

Press CTRL-Z in normal mode will drop you back in to the shell and suspend Vim. After executing your git checkout [branchname], run the fg builtin to return to the suspended Vim which will also force Vim to refresh (:help timestamp).

It is also noteworthy that the :checktime command in Vim will perform a buffer scan to see what filesystem changes there have been. See :help :checktime for more info.

In vim 8, you can use :terminal to start a shell, or :terminal git checkout [branchname] to run one command. Neither will automatically :checktime.

Vanilla GUI Vim

Some gvim implementations will have :shell support which will open a shell inside of Vim using a dumb terminal. However it may be easier to just type:

:!git checkout [branchname]

This will execute the command without having to open a new shell prompt. (This option is also usable in the terminal Vim).


is a plugin that allows you to use Git from within Vim. The command would be:

:Git checkout [branchname]


vim-merginal is a plugin that uses and provides a user friendly-ish interface.

  1. Type :Merginal.
  2. Move cursor to the branch you want.
  3. Type cc to check out that branch.
  • 2
    Awesome answer. vim-merginal is what I was looking for. Dec 23, 2015 at 20:09
  • 2
    I like the ctrl-z because it auto loads the files. Co-workers like to have a tmux window for the command line and one for vim but when they do a checkout or merge when they return to vim they have to go to each open file and :e! each time. (:bufdo e) which is a pain to remember. Instead it is easier to ctrl-z then when fg happens Vim performs the :e auto-magically.
    – Sukima
    Nov 25, 2016 at 17:25
  • I Another nice fugitive extension you could add to the list: github.com/sodapopcan/vim-twiggy Mar 16, 2018 at 19:00

Use the vim-merginal plugin (fugitive extension). It offers interactive TUI for:

  • Viewing the list of branches
  • Checking out branches from that list
  • Creating new branches
  • Deleting branches
  • Merging branches
  • Rebasing branches
  • Solving merge conflicts
  • Interacting with remotes(pulling, pushing, fetching, tracking)
  • Diffing against other branches
  • Renaming branches
  • Viewing git history for branches

enter image description here


You should embrace your terminal. If you use CTRL-Z, it will background Vim (or whichever process you are currently running), then you can run any commands you want, the fg to bring the process back to the foreground:

git checkout <tab>
  • 3
    ... and when using GVim?
    – muru
    Dec 23, 2015 at 5:30
  • 2
    :shell is the way to go or alt tabbing in to your other favorite terminal emulator Dec 23, 2015 at 5:32
  • 2
    I always like !git checkout [branchname] Dec 23, 2015 at 18:46

The fugitive Git checkout <branch> has a downside that it doesn't autocomplete the branch name. Using fzf.vim I've created this command:

function! s:changebranch(branch) 
    execute 'Git checkout' . a:branch
    call feedkeys("i")

command! -bang Gbranch call fzf#run({
            \ 'source': 'git branch -a --no-color | grep -v "^\* " ', 
            \ 'sink': function('s:changebranch')
            \ })

hope you find it useful


Ever since this commit in Jul 2019, this has been possible using Git fugitive only.

Type :G branch will open a split buffer with all the branches in a list. Place your cursor on the branch and press coo to checkout the branch.

From :h fugitive_co

Checkout/branch mappings ~

coo                     Check out the commit under the cursor.

cb<Space>               Populate command line with ":G branch ".

co<Space>               Populate command line with ":G checkout ".

cb?                     Show this help.

The answer provided by @kubek2k is so phenomenal. That solution is better than I could have imagined and implemented in in less lines of code that I could have imaged. It opened the door to help me understand the powerful personalization use of 'fzf'.

I have slightly modified it to additionally provide:

  1. Makes use of fugitive to get the refs instead of the command line, (better support for windows)
  2. List tags along with branches

Here is the slight modification:

function! s:gitCheckoutRef(ref) 
    execute('Git checkout ' . a:ref)
    " call feedkeys("i")
function! s:gitListRefs()
   let l:refs = execute("Git for-each-ref --format='\\%(refname:short)'")
   return split(l:refs,'\r\n*')[1:] "jump past the first line which is the git command
command! -bang Gbranch call fzf#run({ 'source': s:gitListRefs(), 'sink': function('s:gitCheckoutRef'), 'dir':expand('%:p:h') })
  • That sounds like a nice addition. However this doesn't work for me (no results are shown after :Gbranch) whereas kubek2k solution does work. Mar 7, 2020 at 22:57

I found this FZF plugin that adds a GBranches command to browse your repo.



I'm now using https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim to switch git branches: :Telescope git_branches<CR>

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