I often edit code where I have a general comment for a block of code and specific comment for each line. For instance, this a sample of my .vimrc
set autoindent "automatically indent
set shiftwidth=2 "auto-ident two blanks
set tabstop=2 "tabs are two blanks
set expandtab "tabs are spaces
set backspace=indent,eol,start "backspaces delete auto-inserted indents
set showcmd "show incomplete cmds
set wildmenu "cmdline completion
set history=1000 "store 1000 cmd from cmdline
set laststatus=2 "always show the current file status
set noruler "off by default, but had to reset it
set shell=/bin/zsh "use zsh
For now, I am able to render that kind of formatting by using easy align. However this is quite limited because it natively only considers few delimiters. For vim (whose comments start by "
) and LaTeX (whose comments start by %
) I need to tweak the g:easy_align_delimiters
variable. Which in my opinion is not right, since it is syntax dependent it should arise in a locale variable with a filetype
I cannot use it globally either, since some comments are aligned too far from the corresponding line of code and it takes quite a bit of time to go through each block.
Tabular isn't a solution either, since it aligns everything (including those "general" block comments).
Is there a script or a plugin that, given that syntax recognition is enabled, automatically indents comments in the same fashion as in the sample .vimrc
:Tabularize / ".*