I have set :set tags=./tags;$HOME to do an "upward search" for a tags file. How do I find out what file has actually been loaded?

2 Answers 2


Reading :help 'tags' and scrolling a little bit down finds the following sentence:

The tagfiles() function can be used to get a list of the file names
actually used.

Accordingly, :echo tagfiles() will show the name(s) of found tagfile(s).

An easy way to test this is in any of Vim's help files. It will pick up the helptags in <whatever>/doc/tags.

  • Ok, thanks. To be fair, this is mentioned nowhere in the reference page for tags.
    – clarkep
    Commented Jul 22 at 7:13
  • I admit it took me amazingly long to find it.
    – Friedrich
    Commented Jul 22 at 7:17
  • 1
    It is mentioned under the relevant doc: :help 'tags'.
    – romainl
    Commented Jul 22 at 15:35
  • ... and that's where I found it... after looking everywhere else :-D
    – Friedrich
    Commented Jul 22 at 16:26

echo findfile("tags", "./;$HOME") appears to work, but it is slightly different syntax and redoes the search.

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