Looking to define a match group for modelines. vim defines two patterns for modelines:

The first form:

  • [text{white}] empty or any text followed by at least one blank character (<Space> or <Tab>); ex: always requires at least one blank character
  • {vi:|vim:|ex:} the string vi:, vim: or ex:
  • [white] optional white space
  • {options}a list of option settings, separated with white space or :, where each part between : is the argument for a :set command (can be empty)


   vi:noai:sw=3 ts=6 ~
   vim: tw=77 ~

The second form (this is compatible with some versions of Vi):

[text{white}]{vi:|vim:|Vim:|ex:}[white]se[t] {options}:[text]
  • [text{white}] empty or any text followed by at least one blank character (<Space> or <Tab>); ex: always requires at least one blank character
  • {vi:|vim:|Vim:|ex:} the string vi:, vim:, Vim: or ex:
  • [white] optional white space
  • se[t] the string set or se (note the space); When Vim is used it must be set .
  • {options} a list of options, separated with white space, which is the argument for a :set command
  • : a colon
  • [text] any text or empty


   /* vim: set ai tw=75: */ ~
   /* Vim: set ai tw=75: */ ~

I currently have a simple pattern to match the modelines I've written:

syntax match Modeline ".*\s+vim:\sset.*:.*"

but I would like to create a match group that matches on all lines Vim treats as modelines (the pattern above misses some of the nuance with ex for example). I imagine vim internally has regex expressions that match these patterns. I'd like to use those expressions in a match group.

  • What did you try?
    – romainl
    Commented Apr 15 at 5:12
  • I have a hard coded pattern to match the modelines I create, but I'm looking for a more robust solution that matches what vim identifies as a modeline. Updated comment. Commented Apr 15 at 5:37
  • 2
    The grammars you describe (which are also found in :help modeline) could easily be turned into a regular expression. I doubt there's a way to access Vim's internal modeline matching mechanism. I don't know but these things are typically not exposed. I'd write a regex that matches modelines as they are documented.
    – Friedrich
    Commented Apr 15 at 5:41
  • Show us that pattern so that we can help you improve it.
    – romainl
    Commented Apr 15 at 7:26
  • @Friedrich though, it might be possible to expose them in the source so that they can be used (assuming they're actually regexes in the source and not handrolled parsers)
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Apr 15 at 15:36

3 Answers 3


Alternative contortions based on :help modeline that match
the same (13) lines in :help options.txt as does the other
, and are also accommodating for \sex: and no
leading text.

(Note that it is assumed that {vi,{V,v}im,ex}: is within
or after the leftmost 16 (arbitrary) characters and some
blanks, and we only seek set\s for Vim: because set\=\s
can be optional for {vi,vim,ex}:.)

syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s\+\)\=\%(\%(vim\=\|\s\@1<=ex\):\|Vim:\s*set\s\).*$/

It may be more readable as a pair of definitions:

syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s\+\)\=\%(vim\=:\|Vim:\s*set\s\).*$/
syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s*\)\=\sex:.*$/

The following ‘core dump’ should also cover versioning
(:help modeline-version).

syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s\+\)\=\%(\%(vim\=\%(m\@1<=[<=>]\=\d\+\)\=\|\s\@1<=ex\):\|Vim\%([<=>]\=\d\+\)\=:\s*set\s\).*$/

And still a ‘core dump’ :( as a triplet:

syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s\+\)\=vim\=\%(m\@1<=[<=>]\=\d\+\)\=:.*$/
syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s\+\)\=Vim\%([<=>]\=\d\+\)\=:\s*set\s.*$/
syn match Modeline /\%#=1^\C\%(.\{-,16}\s*\)\=\sex:.*$/

(The key to dense look-behinds \@1<=:

  • If a string without a trailing blank is matched with
    \%(.\{-,16}\s\+\)\=, fail ex: with \s\@1<=ex;
  • If vi: is matched with vim\=:, fail for versioning with

I did a bit of profiling with :help :syntime in v9.1 (with
1-16 patches). It turns out that the linked pattern can be
made about four times nimbler by rewriting it as follows:

syn match Modeline /\%#=1^.*\s\%(\%(vim\=\|ex\):\|Vim:\s*set\s\).*$/

In order to recreate the profiling setup I have used:

  1. Write this syntax file (~/.vim/syntax/modeline.vim),
    and change PATTERN:
syn match Modeline /PATTERN/
hi def link Modeline Todo
  1. Write this definition of g:Auto_Scroll_And_Report() in

def g:Auto_Scroll_And_Report()
    cursor(1, 1)
    const last: number = line('$')
    const walk: string = 'normal! ' .. "\<C-D>"
    &l:scroll = winheight(0) / 2
    syntime on

    while line('w$') != last
        execute walk
        sleep 25m

    syntime report
  1. Rename a copy of $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt as
    /tmp/options.modeline and change &ft for its modeline:
  1. Repeatedly launch and profile Vim:
vim --clean /tmp/options.modeline -Nu NONE \
  -c 'set rtp+=~/.vim' \
  -c 'setf modeline' \
  -c 'syntax on' \
  -S /tmp/report.vim \
  -c 'call Auto_Scroll_And_Report()'


  • Thank you for the thorough breakdown and more comprehensive solution. I'll accept as answer after I try it out. Commented Apr 23 at 4:06

(Not an answer proper, but swaths of code don't belong to
comments either.)

Take a look at chk_modeline() in src/buffer.c and

Consider cloning vim/vim and vim/vim-history and tracing
code evolution as follows:

cd path/to/vim/vim/src/
git log --oneline -- testdir/test_modeline.vim

git log -L '/^chk_modeline(/,/^}$/':buffer.c HEAD

cd path/to/vim/vim-history/src/
git log -L '/^chk_modeline(/,/^}$/':buffer.c HEAD

git tag --list v[34]\*
git switch --detach v3.0
git log -L '/^chk_mline(/,/^}$/':fileio.c HEAD

git tag --list v1\*
git switch --detach v1.14

Now, you can start with a regexp prototype for v1.14 and
reiterate it as far as you need it.

  • I’d have to look how, but I think there’s a way to graft the two histories back together.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Apr 19 at 20:06
  • Thanks. I didn't know about the vim-history repo. This gives me a thread to pull on. Commented Apr 20 at 1:59
  • @D.BenKnoble github.com/vim/vim-history/blob/master/… Commented Apr 20 at 9:00
  • Thanks @ChristianBrabandt I had a feeling it was something like that
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Apr 20 at 15:25

I followed @Friedrich's suggestion and built a pattern that matches many of the common modelines:

syntax match Modeline /.*\s\+\(vi\|vim\|ex\):.*\|.*\s\+\(vi\|vim\|Vim\|ex\):\s*set.*:.*/

it's missing the mandatory space before ex: but is working well in practice for me.

Edit: following some of the suggestions from below.

  • I can't really judge the overall correctness of the composed regexp, but there are a few parts that can be improved upon for the general case: a) since there is no support for obtaining \(capturing\) sub-expressions with \backreference in :syn-match, prefer its \%(non-capturing\) variant; b) the right outermost alternation may be redundant (ignorecase), namely, with :\s*.*\|:\s*set.*, set.* will be matched with .*; c) strive to avoid .*, especially at the start, here, allow for a comment marker and a few blanks before and after it, e.g. ^.\{-,16}; Commented Apr 20 at 15:11
  • [continued] d) consider factoring out common prefixes in alternations, instead of \%(vi\|vim\|ex\), prefer \C\%(vim\=\|ex\); e) :help modeline-version has been overlooked. Commented Apr 20 at 15:11
  • Thanks. I was not aware of the non capturing flag. For \C\%(vim\=\|ex\); e) instead of \%(vi\|vim\|ex\), as they are similar in length and I find the second form more clear in its intent, is there any other advantage to the first form I'm missing? Commented Apr 21 at 15:08
  • 1
    Well, with (1) \%(vi\|vim\|ex\):, it takes four tests to dismiss "emacs" by not finding "em": [v; v; e, em]; whereas it is three tests with (2) \%(vim\=\|ex\): [v; e, em]. Why bother, I hear; but, the longer the mismatch prefix is, the more is the number of redundant tests to follow. For a "view" word, it is seven tests [v, vi, vie; v, vi, vie; e] with (1) against four tests [v, vi, vie; e] with (2). And it can get interesting with words like superconductiVIty, hypersensitiVIty, ChancellorsVIlle, or circumflEX. Why repeat the tests that will never match? Commented Apr 22 at 18:02
  • Sorry about bringing up ‘superconductiVIty’ etc. out of context; it is obviously not applicable for .*\svim\=:. I was thinking about a more general pattern .*vim\=:. Commented Apr 23 at 13:30

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