I have the following config in my ftplugin/groovy.lua:

vim.opt.foldmethod = "expr"
vim.opt.foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()"

I simply want every region that constitutes a block to be folder. I'm not sure how to configure this is. I don't even know where to look in the help docs.

I have tried reading through :help nvim_treesitter. No information there :(

1 Answer 1


Write a folds.scm file in the query folder for your language.

I am looking at the code: .../nvim-treesitter/autoload/nvim_treesitter.vim:

function! nvim_treesitter#foldexpr() abort
    return luaeval(printf('require"nvim-treesitter.fold".get_fold_indic(%d)', v:lnum))

Ok, so there's a "get fold indicies" function - this makes sense, that's how foldexpr works (which I assume you are familiar with as that's documented well - :help foldexpr)

So let's find and go to the nvim-treesitter/fold.lua file. You can find it in the plugin at .../nvim-treesitter/lua/nvim-treesitter/fold.lua.

We trace the code backwards and find this interesting chunk

folds_levels = ...
  local matches = query.get_capture_matches_recursively(bufnr, function(lang)
    if query.has_folds(lang) then
      return "@fold", "folds"
    elseif query.has_locals(lang) then
      return "@scope", "locals"

Ok, so let's find the has_folds function. No? It's not there? What the heck. I read through the nvim-treesitter/queries.lua file and realized that this is what I'm looking for:

for _, query in ipairs(M.built_in_query_groups) do
  M["has_" .. query] = get_query_guard(query)

And traced it backwards to this:

local function runtime_queries(lang, query_name)
  return api.nvim_get_runtime_file(string.format("queries/%s/%s.scm", lang, query_name), true) or {}

Which finally leads me to the folder: .../nvim-treesitter/queries/groovy. I added my query, and then reloaded the file:

 (command (block))
] @fold

and it worked!

  • Make sure your queries are in your runtimepath. Debug like so: :lua= vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file(string.format("queries/%s/%s.scm", 'groovy', 'folds'), true). And append to your runtime path like so: :lua vim.opt.rtp:append(vim.fn.stdpath 'config' .. 'my_dir') Commented Jan 17 at 20:16

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