For now I have the feeling the answer is no, but I'm asking to make sure that's the case, and to know if people has found workarounds or can suggest good approaches.

From :help popup_menu I've found this example

func ColorSelected(id, result)
   " use a:result
call popup_menu(['red', 'green', 'blue'], #{
    \ callback: 'ColorSelected',
    \ })

and tried it out, chainging the commented line to echo a:result, thus discovering that a:result is actually the 1-based index of the item into the list that is the first argument to popup_menu.

Indeed, at :help popup-callback I read that (my emphasis)

The callback is invoked with two arguments: the ID of the popup window and the result, which could be an index in the popup lines, or whatever was passed as the second argument of popup_close().

that seems to confirm my understanding.

So if I wanted the callback to echo back red/green/blue, what options would I have?

I'd be tempted to say that the only way to accomplish the task, without introducing code/data duplication, is to have a g:lobal variable that both the call to popup_menu and the definition of the callback share. Something like this:

let g:pumcolors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
func ColorSelected(id, result)
  echo 'choice made: ' .. a:result .. ' which is ' .. g:pumcolors[a:result - 1]
call popup_menu(g:pumcolors, #{ callback: 'ColorSelected', })

So is this the only way? Or am I missing some obvious approach?

  • vi.stackexchange.com/a/34710/22797
    – Matt
    Commented Jan 8, 2023 at 11:30
  • @Matt, Not exactly what OP asked, indeed. I think that answer belongs to this question more than to that. I wonder if somebody can move that answer here, together with comments and votes. Because this question is not a duplicate of that question.
    – Enlico
    Commented Jan 8, 2023 at 12:37

1 Answer 1


Popup windows, like all windows in vim, have buffers that contain the text within them. Thus, you can use getbufline to retrieve the text.

func ColorSelected(id, result)
  echo getbufline(winbufnr(a:id), a:result)
call popup_menu(['red', 'green', 'blue'], #{
      \ callback: 'ColorSelected',
      \ })

Now, when the popup window is closed this buffer is removed. However, in the context of this callback, it seems to remain valid.

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