in my init.rc I have the following:

autocmd BuffWrite *.* mkview
autocmd BuffRead *.* silent! loadview

In my init.lua I have:

vim.opt.foldmethod = 'marker'

In my working files I use the following blocks to create folds:

// Header {{{1

***This is the foldable area***

// }}}

The problem I have is that everytime I add code to a foldable area and save it, the foldable area folds automatically. This is particularly annoying when I have multiple levels of folds. Because they all fold automatically on save.

How do I prevent this behavior?

1 Answer 1


I have experienced the same behavior with RestructuredText (rst) files with the RIV vim plugin.

RIV adds an au! BufWritePost <buffer> call riv#fold#update() that collapse all folds when a file is saved/written. To disable this feature, add the following to your .vimrc.

let g:riv_fold_auto_update=0
  • thank you. This worked!
    – Ram Fattah
    Commented May 13 at 6:08

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