In my vimrc I have:

set backupdir=~/.cache/vim/backup |call mkdir(&backupdir, 'p', 0o700)
set undodir=~/.cache/vim/undo     |call mkdir(&undodir,   'p', 0o700)

This stores a backup file in ~/.cache/vim/backup on every write, which is useful if I accidentally remove something, or remove something that I ended up wanting to have later anyway.

The problem is that the filename is just the "basename", that is, both ~/one/README.md and ~/two/README.md get written as ~/.cache/vim/backup/README.md, overwriting any previous file.

This problem doesn't exist for undodir, which stores it as two files, with the full pathname:


How can I keep a unique copy for every pathname, similar to what undodir does by default?

2 Answers 2


If you look into :h 'backupdir', you will find in the description:

    - For Unix and Win32, if a directory ends in two path separators "//",
      the backup file name will be built from the complete path to the
      file with all path separators changed to percent '%' signs. This
      will ensure file name uniqueness in the backup directory.
      On Win32, it is also possible to end with "\\".  However, When a
      separating comma is following, you must use "//", since "\\" will
      include the comma in the file name. Therefore it is recommended to
      use '//', instead of '\\'.

Thus, if you add // at the end of the path, it should behave the same as 'undodir':

set backupdir=~/.cache/vim/backup// |call mkdir(&backupdir, 'p', 0o700)

One example of setting up directories:


g:vimdata = $'{has("win32") ? expand("$APPDATA") : expand("~/.config")}/vim-data'
if !isdirectory(g:vimdata) | mkdir(g:vimdata, "p") | endif

&directory = expand($'{g:vimdata}/swap/')
&backupdir = expand($'{g:vimdata}/backup//')
&undodir = expand($'{g:vimdata}/undo//')
if !isdirectory(&undodir)   | mkdir(&undodir, "p")   | endif
if !isdirectory(&backupdir) | mkdir(&backupdir, "p") | endif
if !isdirectory(&directory) | mkdir(&directory, "p") | endif

set backup
set undofile

Here, I have edited 2 readme.md files, one in ~/temp/hello/ and another in ~/temp/world/ directories:

enter image description here

  • Brilliant; this is much better than my hack! Looks like this was added in 8.1.0251 Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 10:43

The best way I could figure out is (abusing) the backupext setting for this:

au BufWritePre * &backupext = '-' .. substitute(expand('<afile>:p'), '[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]', '%', 'g')

This sets it to the dirname before every write, and you end up with two files in ~/.cache/vim/backup:


It's a bit uglier than undodir, but still workable enough.

  • 1. In this case there's no need to reset extension on every write; could make use of some different autocmd to set it once per buffer lifetime 2. You can apply hash function, e.g. :h sha256(), to path string and to get unique numeric extension (actually only few last digits should be enough) instead of that ugly and lengthy thing.
    – Matt
    Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 6:14
  • The problem with sha256() is that it'll be hard to know which file belongs to which path @Matt; you'll end up with 20 README.md-<some-hash>. Either way, Maxim's solution is much better. Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 10:46

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