When you use a count to a key mapping it goes down count number of times and resets to column 1.
Actually it already resets to col 1 when entering the function if there is a count. So I can save the current line number in a script variable, but that does not work for the column because the column is 1 if there is a count.

Using a loop does not really help because even if I instantly return from a function the cursor will move count number of times and set the col to 1.
Then I tried using the range keyword with a:firstline and a:lastline but the cursor still resets to col 1.

Is there a way to prevent this behavior of a count or a range?

map <unique> <Leader>c :call Commenter() <CR>

function Commenter()
  let s:curcol=col('.')
  let s:curlineno=line('.')

  echo "the column is " . s:curcol
  echo "the line number is " . s:curlineno

  let l:curlineno=line('.')
  echo "the current line is " . l:curlineno
  let l:curcol=col('.')
  echo "the current col is " . l:curcol

  call cursor(s:curlineno,s:curcol)

  • Just a question, doesn't the space has an influence? ----- map <unique> <Leader>c :call Commenter() <CR>
    – eyal karni
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 21:10

1 Answer 1


I found the solution myself.
Using <c-u> after the colon and before call in the key mapping prevents the effect of the count, but fortunatelly you can still read the count with v:count and v:count1.

map <unique> <Leader>c :<c-u>call Commenter() <CR>

Then I made a while loop in my function with the value of v:count1.
map <unique> <Leader>c :<c-u>call Commenter() <CR>

let s:firstrun="true"

function Commenter() abort
  let l:i = v:count1
  while l:i>0
    if s:firstrun=="true"
      let s:startcol=col('.')
      let s:startlineno=line('.')

    let l:curlineno=line('.')
    let l:curcol=col('.')

    ...do stuff...

    if l:i==1
      call cursor(s:startlineno,s:startcol)
      let s:firstrun="true"
      execute "normal j"
      let s:firstrun="false"
    let l:i-=1

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