I want to have a piece of vimscript (a custom formatter) only apply if the current file is inside some directory. How can I tell whether the active buffer is within a particular directory?

1 Answer 1

  fu! StartsWith(longer, shorter) abort
    return a:longer[0:len(a:shorter)-1] ==# a:shorter

  fu! FileIsInDirectory(directory) abort
    let l:fname = expand('%:p')
    return StartsWith(l:fname, a:directory)

  function YourFunction() abort
    if !FileIsInDirectory(expand("$HOME") . "/project/dir/")

I believe you can also put a gitignored / committed .vim/something.vim inside the project directory, and it will only apply for buffers in that directory, but I'm not sure how it works.

  • 10
    I think this boils down to expand('%:p') =~# '^/some/dir'
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Jul 8, 2021 at 12:27

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