The following python code uses ansi escape sequences to clear the terminal screen and change the text color to red. It then prints "Hello from Vim."

print ('\033c\033[31m Hello from Vim.')

In Vim I use the command :!python3 % and everything works as expected. It clears the screen and prints in red. However, when I load the same code into Gvim and use the same command I get :

?c?[31m Hello from Vim.

It neither clears the screen nor prints in red. If from Gvim I split to the terminal with :term and then enter python3 tester.py, then code works correctly.

So my question is : Why does the command :!python3 % not work the same in Gvim as it does in Vim when it comes to ansi escape codes and what can I do to correct that?

Thank you for your assistance.

Edit: Additionally when I run this python script in Gvim :

i = input ('test: ')

and try to use the Backspace key to change the input, I get ^H printed out instead of the cursor backing over the input.

  • Somewhat related: vi.stackexchange.com/questions/24645/…, the behavior I see in GVim matches the one I see in :w !python3 % on the terminal. Since GVim doesn't have an alternate screen, I guess that's how it can handle output from an external program...
    – filbranden
    Apr 22, 2020 at 17:56
  • Odd—I would have expected this to just print the text, given that gvim isn't (and doesn't emulate, AFAIK) xterm. It would be odd to me if gVim was just an xterm-emulator inside an OS window (though then again, maybe that makes sense...)
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Apr 22, 2020 at 18:56
  • 1
    Those are terminal ansi escape codes, that means they work only in the terminal, not in a gui. And even that is not guaranteed to work, e.g. the default Windows console does not support those. So do not rely on those codes to be universally valid. Apr 24, 2020 at 20:22


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