I'm trying to add more ex commands to my vim repertoire and I was wondering if there is setting or plugin that would allow to highlight the lines addressed by the command, if a range is give e.g., if I type


I would like some highlight on the lines -5 and -3 (either the line number or the whole line or something like that), while I'm typing the command, until I actually execute it. If only the begin or end or the whole block is highlighted is not so important me.

I searched the vim help and the web for some time but did not find anything useful so far.

  • This seems like it could be pretty non-trivial if not implemented in source code. You might get by with a cnoremap though
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 2:07

2 Answers 2


It's a bit complicated, I'll try to explain it in different abstraction levels.

Level 0

our goal is simple:

  • update command range highlight after entering command line
  • update command range highlight while typing in command line
  • clear command range highlight when leaving command line

Level 1

We will use :h CmdlineEnter , :h CmdlineChanged , and :h CmdlineLeave to implement our goals.

augroup cmdline_range_highlight
  autocmd CmdlineChanged : call s:update_cmdrange_highlight()
  autocmd CmdlineEnter : call s:update_cmdrange_highlight()
  autocmd CmdlineLeave : call s:clear_cmdrange_highlight()
augroup end

Level 2

Let's implement functions mentioned in Level 1, their name should already tell you what they do.

" last command range and hightlight match id returned from matchadd()
let s:cmdrange = []
let s:cmdrange_hid = -1

function s:update_cmdrange_highlight() abort

  let cmdline = getcmdline()

  " skip  v_:
  if cmdline =~# '\V\^''<,''>'

  " skip if range not changed
  let cmdrange = s:get_cmdrange(cmdline)
  if s:cmdrange == cmdrange

  " update highlight area
  call s:clear_cmdrange_highlight()
  let s:cmdrange_hid = matchadd('VISUAL',
        \ printf('\v%%>%dl.*%%<%dl', cmdrange[0]-1, cmdrange[1]+1))
  let s:cmdrange = cmdrange


function s:clear_cmdrange_highlight() abort
  if s:cmdrange_hid != -1
    call matchdelete(s:cmdrange_hid)
  let s:cmdrange = []
  let s:cmdrange_hid = -1

Level 3

We need to implement s:get_cmdrange to get current cmd range

function s:get_cmdrange()

There has no builtin function to get cmdrange without executing it(correct me if I'm wrong), the only way to get a cmdrange is executing a cmd. We can't execute current command, we must construct another labor command with current cmdrange text:

function s:get_cmdrange(cmdline) abort

  let range_text = matchstr(a:cmdline, s:cmdrange_pat)
  if empty(range_text)
    return []

    let cpos = getcurpos()

    " silent is used to reverse reversed command range
    exec printf('silent %s call Tech_get_cmdrange()', range_text)
    return [s:tech_cmdrange_line1, s:tech_cmdrange_line2]
    call setpos('.', cpos)

function Tech_get_cmdrange() range
  let s:tech_cmdrange_line1 = a:firstline
  let s:tech_cmdrange_line2 = a:lastline

Our labor command here is silent original_command_range_text call Tech_get_cmdrange() .

We use :h :func-range to get cmdline range from vim.

Level 4

The last step is to init s:cmdrange_pat , it's used in Level 3 to extract cmdline range from cmdline.

A :h cmdline-ranges is one :h :range or two :range joined by , or ;

A :range is some basic pattern followed by multiple optional [+-][number].

function s:build_cmdrange_pattern()
  " a range is various pattern followed by multiple optional [+-][number]
  let range_atoms = [
        \ '\d+',
        \ '[.$%]',
        \ "'[0-9A-Z]",
        \ '\/.{-}\/',
        \ '\?.{-}\?',
        \ '\\\?',
        \ '\\\&',
        \ '\\\&',
        \ ''
        \ ]
  let range_basic = printf('%%(%s)', join(range_atoms, '|'))
  let range_optional = '%(\s*%([+-]\d*)*)'
  let range_pat = printf('\v%%(%s\s*%s*)', range_basic, range_optional)

  " cmdrange is two ranges joined by, or ;
  let cmdrange_pat = printf('\v\C^%s([,;]%s)?', range_pat, range_pat)
  return cmdrange_pat
let s:cmdrange_pat = s:build_cmdrange_pattern()
  • Thank you very much, works but has some minor issues, e.g. if I misstype something in the range, I get a bunch of messages and have to leave the ex command and start again. But its a very good starting point which has all the bits and pieces I need. Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 14:47
  • 1
    One error is caused by add and delete multiple space in the beginning of command line, I have fixed it, and some other small issues. You may find the newest version here github.com/dedowsdi/.vim/blob/master/autoload/misc/hlcmd.vim
    – dedowsdi
    Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 23:15

Finding an "easy" way.

The idea is to drop to linewise Visual mode and then get back restoring the command-line contents.

" some regex magic to match a range pattern:
" . or $ or % or number or mark or /pat/ or ?pat? or \/ or \? or \&
" optionally followed by ++/--number
let s:pat = '([.$%]|\d+|''[[:alnum:]''\[\]]|/.*/|\?.*\?|\[/?&])?([+-]+\d*)?'
" full pattern is: lineno followed by , or ; and another lineno
" nearly every field is optional though
let s:fullpat = '\v^\s*' . s:pat . '([,;]' . s:pat . ')?'
function! s:getrange(line)
    return matchstr(a:line, s:fullpat)

" use <l1>GV<l2>G to visually select range
" then restore the command line with feedkeys()
command! -range -nargs=1 ToVisual exe 'norm!' <line1> . 'GV' . <line2> . 'G' |
    \ redraw | call feedkeys(":\<C-U>" . <q-args>, 'n')

" Press <C-X> while in the command line to make a visual selection
" The command line contents will be restored automatically
cnoremap <silent><C-X> <C-\>e(getcmdtype() == ':' ?
    \ 'silent ' . <SID>getrange(getcmdline()) . 'ToVisual ' : '') .
    \ getcmdline()<CR><CR>
  • Hi Matt, thank you, I've tried it and it seems to work sometimes and sometimes not, for :s it starts higlighting once I press the / after s, for :m and :co it doesn't highlight anything. I therefore did go with the solution from @dedowsdi. Commented Nov 9, 2019 at 14:44

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