I recently found the awesome plugin named CamelCaseMotion which is awesome. I used their suggested mappings in my .vimrc for the plugin like this:
map <silent> w <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w
sunmap w
omap <silent> iw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
xmap <silent> iw <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw
to map w but also b, e, ge to their respective functions. The problem is now that I want to map W, B, E to work like w, b, e worked before and <leader>w, <leader>b, <leader>e to work like W, B, E. Also I want to remap gE and g<leader>e in normal mode using the same rules above. This is where my vimscript-fu and google-fu failed me. I can't use map <silent> W w
because I will override w, and I can't find the function to which w is mapped originally/natively by vim. Can someone help please? Also you please explain how can I find mappings for native vim keys in the future?
Edit: :map does not help me. It does not show the native mappings for w or W motion.
:verbose map W
No mapping found
, you can use:normal! w<CR>
. Also consider usingnnoremap
familly instead ofnmap
which can go recursive.