I'm using vim 8.0 and tmux 2.5 on ubuntu.

And I have set the TERM environment export TERM=screen-256color and run as tmux -2.

Normally, nothing goes wrong. It's like the following picture:


But after I move cursor over the right parenthesis several times, the highlighting will be lost, like the following picture:


If I run the commands :NoMatchParen in vim, nothing goes wrong.

Is there any solution to it without turning off parenthesis matching?

Thanks in advance.

  • Perhaps downgrading tmux would help? I use vim 8.0 with tmux 1.9a, which is my favorite version. Latest tmux seem to introduce minor issues.
    – popuptoast
    Sep 22, 2017 at 11:18
  • Thanks for your reply. But I still prefer to the newest version of tmux. Maybe I should disable the parenthesis matching.
    – Arolia
    Sep 22, 2017 at 12:21
  • Not an answer, but I've noticed artifacts like this with italics toggling on/off as I move the cursor over italicized highlights. It only happen inside tmux. Commenting to reinforce that I believe this is a tmux bug and not anything in your personal Vim config. Sep 22, 2017 at 16:31
  • @JimStewart Thanks. Hope the bug will be fixed.
    – Arolia
    Sep 23, 2017 at 6:28


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