I am using the gg=G, =ap etc. paradigms to reformat some code. This code is in tcl:

proc something { foo bar } {
set foo [yadda yadda]
set foo [yadda yadda]
set foo [yadda yadda]

When I try adjust indents, the formatting changes to:

proc something { foo bar } {
    set foo [yadda yadda]
        set foo [yadda yadda]
        set foo [yadda yadda]

I would expect all the set statements at the same indent level. Is there a way to do that?

This is the "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 4 2017 18:14:54)" what comes with MacS Sierra, invoked as "vi".


  • Can you tell us the output of :filetype and :verbose set sts? ts? sw? cindent? indentexpr? autoindent? smartindent? ? Commented Aug 24, 2017 at 9:33

1 Answer 1


Is the &filetype properly detected? Vim 7.4 runtime should already include the correct indent file.

Execute :scriptnames to list all sourced files and look for /usr/share/vim/vim74/indent/tcl.vim.

If it's missing, make sure you have this line in your vimrc file:

filetype plugin indent on

Read Indenting source code on the Vim Tips Wiki for more info on file-type based indentation.

  • Thanks for getting me started. tcl.vim is not listed as a plugin in OSX Sierra. My Deniers of IT Services have my mac locked down so I can't add files to that directory, and the other place I need to edit it is on a F5 load balancer. The F5 lists tcl.vim as a plugin, but it's vim 7.0.
    – wsanders
    Commented Aug 25, 2017 at 0:59

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