Sadly over time a few of my mappings have ended up overlapping.
For example I toggle wrapping with \w but I later introduced a mapping on \wi.
As a result, when I press \w, Vim waits for some time to see if I will follow it with i.
Since I usually don't want to wait, I will often hit Space to force Vim to recognise that no i is forthcoming.
But of course hitting Space has the minor side effect of pushing me forwards one character.
So is there a better keystroke I could use than Space, that which would result in no action being taken?
I accept that this might be a two-keystroke operation. An example could be y Escape, which I assume does nothing. But a better choice would be easier to hit (Escape is a long way to reach) and possibly use a meta combination (Ctrl-C is faster/easier to perform than CtrlC, isn't it?).