One more subtlety is that we need to get the "startcol", that is, the start of the text being replaced, so that selecting the completions replaces that text, rather than appending to the end. We find this by <C-n>
(to ensure some completion is selected), get the cursor position after the selection and finding the length of the selected completion by complete_info()
, and compensating the <C-n>
with a <C-p>
. The "startcol" is the cursor position after selection minus the length of the selected completion.
Some more subtleties about the implementation:
- We need to get the "startcol", that is, the start of the text being replaced, so that selecting the completions replaces that text, rather than appending to the end. We find this by
(to ensure some completion is selected), get the cursor position after the selection and finding the length of the selected completion bycomplete_info()
, and compensating the<C-n>
with a<C-p>
. The "startcol" is the cursor position after selection minus the length of the selected completion. - Naively passing
back into the mapping may not work, because the popup menu state is reset when we callcomplete()
, so we have to save the value ourselves and restore it. Similarly, we should persist this state when we perform<C-/>
to refine the search. We find the state by performing<C-e>
and saving the result before starting the completion search. - Only apply the mapping when pum is active.
This is the result:
function! Prepareearchpum ()
let g:compstartcol = col('.')
let g:compinf = complete_info()
if len(g:compinf.items) && (g:compinf.selected == -1)
return "\<C-n>\<C-r>=Prepareearchpum()\<CR>\<C-p>"
return ""
function! Searchpum ()
let words = []
for item in g:compinf.items
call add(words, item.word)
let filter = ""
if len(words)
let startcol = g:compstartcol - len(g:compinf.items[g:compinf.selected].word)
if exists('g:lastexittext')
let exittext = g:lastexittext
unlet g:lastexittext
let exitcol = col('.')
let exittext = getline('.')[startcol-1:exitcol-2]
while 1
let matchwords = []
for word in words
if word =~ filter
call add (matchwords, word)
if len(matchwords) == 0
call add (matchwords, exittext)
call complete(startcol, matchwords)
echomsg '/' .. filter
let char = getchar()
catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
return "\<C-c>"
if type(char) == 0
let char = nr2char(char)
if char == "\<C-e>"
call complete(startcol, [exittext])
return "\<C-e>"y>"
elseif char == "\<C-y>"
return "\<C-y>"
elseif char == "\<C-n>"
return "\<C-n>"
elseif char == "\<C-p>"
return "\<C-p>"
elseif char == "\<C-l>"
return "\<C-l>"
elseif char == "\<C-h>"
return "\<C-h>"
elseif char == "\<Up>"
return "\<Up>"
elseif char == "\<Down>"
return "\<Down>"
elseif char == "\<Esc>"
return "\<Esc>"
elseif char == "\<C-_>"
call feedkeys ("\<C-_>")
let g:lastexittext = exittext
return ""
elseif charcall ==feedkeys "\<CR>"("\<C-_>")
return ""
elseif char == "\<BS>"
if len(filter) == 1"\<CR>"
let filter =return ""
elseif char == else"\<BS>"
let filter = filter[:len(filter) - 2]
elseif char == "\<C-u>"
let filter = ""
let filter = filter .. char
inoremap <expr> <C-_> pumvisible() ? Prepareearchpum () . '<C-e><C-r>=Searchpum()<CR>' : '<C-_>'