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added 202 characters in body
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  1. Open the package.json file in your friendly snippets directory. In your case, it's $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/friendly-snippets
  2. Search for your required language.
  3. Edit or Create new the path to your required snippets file. for example, you may find
    "language": "python",
    "path": "./snippets/python/base.json"

Edit the package.json file in the friendly snippets directory, and setChange the path to your required snippets file

friendly-snippets/package.jsonhere. Done.

Edit the package.json file in the friendly snippets directory, and set the path to your required snippets file


  1. Open the package.json file in your friendly snippets directory. In your case, it's $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/friendly-snippets
  2. Search for your required language.
  3. Edit or Create new the path to your required snippets file. for example, you may find
    "language": "python",
    "path": "./snippets/python/base.json"

Change the path here. Done.

added 2 characters in body
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Edit the package.json file in the friendly snippets directory, and set the path to your required snippets file   


Edit the package.json file in the friendly snippets directory, and set the path to your required snippets file  friendly-snippets/package.json

Edit the package.json file in the friendly snippets directory, and set the path to your required snippets file 


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Edit the package.json file in the friendly snippets directory, and set the path to your required snippets file friendly-snippets/package.json