Is there some way I can get vim's colorscheme rendering more like gvim's?
Yes! As long as your terminal supports "true color," you can ask Vim to use the gvim color settings of the colorscheme by enabling the 'termguicolors'
When on, uses
attributes in the terminal (thus using 24-bit color).Requires a ISO-8613-3 compatible terminal. If setting this option does not work (produces a colorless UI) reading
might help.
Simply add this line to your vimrc:
set termguicolors
If that doesn't work, take a further look at the documentation to ensure your terminal supports this feature and is properly configured to use it.
Your terminal emulator, MobaXterm, is supposed to support "true color", so it should be possible to make it work.
If setting TERM=xterm-true-color
is giving you trouble, then try to keep TERM=xterm-256color
and set vim options t_8f
and t_8b
explicitly, as recommended in :help xterm-true-color
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38:2:%lu:%lu:%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48:2:%lu:%lu:%lum"
(And, if that doesn't work, try using semicolons instead of colons in those expressions.)