I have the following mappings:
nnoremap <C-,> :tabe ~/.config/nvim/init.vim<cr>
nnoremap <C-/> gcc
Neither of these mappings is working - they both do nothing. I have a plugin called vim-tmux-navigator that defines mappings <C-h/j/k/l>
to navigate [neo]vim splits and tmux panes, and those mappings work. But no Ctrl mappings that I put in my init.vim work. This is true both inside and outside of tmux. I am using wsl on windows 10, but the mappings also don't work in the regular windows console or conemu, so it's not a wsl or tmux issue.
I just tested it again and other Ctrl + [letter] mappings, such as <C-h>
or <C-b>
do work, just not <C-/>
or <C-,>
. Not sure what the deal is.