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add `:FZF` command provided by OP
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You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command, and then create an abbreviation to always use the :B command when you type :b.

The below works by first trying using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, doing a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      " using the command provided by the OP.
      execute 'FZF''FZF -q' a:buffer_name

" Create new :B command. You could also use -complete=file if you prefer
command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer B call BWithFallback('<args>')

" When you type :b, replace it with :B
cnoreabbrev <expr> b (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'b') ? 'B' : b

N.B. I don't have fzf installed, so I don't know if the command :FZF <filename> works. If not, you will need to edit the line that performs that command. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll look into it.

You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command, and then create an abbreviation to always use the :B command when you type :b.

The below works by first trying using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, doing a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      execute 'FZF' a:buffer_name

" Create new :B command. You could also use -complete=file if you prefer
command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer B call BWithFallback('<args>')

" When you type :b, replace it with :B
cnoreabbrev <expr> b (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'b') ? 'B' : b

N.B. I don't have fzf installed, so I don't know if the command :FZF <filename> works. If not, you will need to edit the line that performs that command. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll look into it.

You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command, and then create an abbreviation to always use the :B command when you type :b.

The below works by first trying using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, doing a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      " using the command provided by the OP.
      execute 'FZF -q' a:buffer_name

" Create new :B command. You could also use -complete=file if you prefer
command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer B call BWithFallback('<args>')

" When you type :b, replace it with :B
cnoreabbrev <expr> b (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'b') ? 'B' : b
add abbreviation, complete
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You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command, and then create an abbreviation to always use the :B command when you type :b.

This triesThe below works by first trying using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, doesdoing a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      execute 'FZF' a:buffer_name

" Create new :B command. You could also use -complete=file if you prefer
command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer B call BWithFallback('<args>')

" When you type :b, replace it with :B
cnoreabbrev <expr> b (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'b') ? 'B' : b

N.B. I don't have fzf installed, so I don't know if the command :FZF <filename> works. If not, you will need to edit the line that performs that command. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll look into it.

You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command.

This tries using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, does a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      execute 'FZF' a:buffer_name

command! -nargs=1 B call BWithFallback('<args>')

N.B. I don't have fzf installed, so I don't know if the command :FZF <filename> works. If not, you will need to edit the line that performs that command. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll look into it.

You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command, and then create an abbreviation to always use the :B command when you type :b.

The below works by first trying using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, doing a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      execute 'FZF' a:buffer_name

" Create new :B command. You could also use -complete=file if you prefer
command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer B call BWithFallback('<args>')

" When you type :b, replace it with :B
cnoreabbrev <expr> b (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'b') ? 'B' : b

N.B. I don't have fzf installed, so I don't know if the command :FZF <filename> works. If not, you will need to edit the line that performs that command. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll look into it.

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You can't change the way the :b command works, but you can create an alternative :B command.

This tries using the :b command, and if the E94 error is thrown, does a :FZF instead:

function! BWithFallback(buffer_name) abort
  " Check if the input is a number or a string
  if a:buffer_name =~# '^\d\+$'
    execute 'b' a:buffer_name
      " Try opening the buffer
      execute 'b' a:buffer_name
    catch /E94/
      " If the buffer didn't exist, try doing a fuzzy file search
      execute 'FZF' a:buffer_name

command! -nargs=1 B call BWithFallback('<args>')

N.B. I don't have fzf installed, so I don't know if the command :FZF <filename> works. If not, you will need to edit the line that performs that command. If you can't figure it out, let me know and I'll look into it.