I use different colorschemescolorschemes
depending on the color of my xterm. SomeSome of them (in particular torte
) set the background color to black, others leave the background color the same as the xterm color. The colorscheme is specified as an environment variable for each xterm.
I also use the lines:
set hlsearch
hi Search ctermfg=white ctermbg=black cterm=NONE
hi IncSearch ctermfg=Black ctermbg=lightyellow cterm=bold,underline,reverse
which highlight with a black background my search term. Obviously this doesn't help me when the background is already black. SoSo I'd like to condition the above lines (specifically ctermfg
) on the value of the environment variable which specifies my color schemecolorscheme
. (Specificallyspecifically, whether this value is torte
) ShouldShould be easy but I'm hopeless with vimVim syntax. Thanks!