I have a directory ~/.vim/rc.d/ that houses various configuration files. I like this pattern for configuring various things in my homedir because it modularizes configuration options.

The problem is that my vimrc is now a series of commands to source hard-coded paths to other .vim files.

source ~/.vim/rc.d/00-plugins.vim
source ~/.vim/rc.d/01-plugins-settings.vim
source ~/.vim/rc.d/02-interface-colorscheme.vim
source ~/.vim/rc.d/02-interface-listchars.vim


How can I rewrite this to source all the files in that directory that end in .vim?

  • 2
    See :h glob(), :h :for
    – Matt
    Aug 13, 2020 at 9:09
  • Welcome to Vi and Vim! You may be interested in :help startup
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Aug 13, 2020 at 13:56

2 Answers 2


You can put all your files to ~/.vim/plugin/ directory and they would be sourced by vim automatically.

Basically vim does :runtime all vim files from that directory.

If you still want to do it by hand you can :runtime! ~/.vim/rc.d/**/*.vim

You can also use glob() function to get all your vim filenames and source them in a for loop.

  • Thanks, since I had nothing in ~/.vim/plugin I removed it and created a symlink to ~/.vim/rc.d and that seems to be working.
    – causaSui
    Aug 13, 2020 at 11:30
  • Actually, this symlinking seems to have broken vim-plug. I did not have success adding the runtime! command to my vimrc either unfortunately :(
    – causaSui
    Sep 1, 2020 at 19:30

The doc :h :runtime says:

:ru[ntime][!] [where] {file} ..
            Read Ex commands from {file} in each directory given
            by 'runtimepath' and/or 'packpath'.  There is no error
            for non-existing files.
            When [!] is included, all found files are sourced.
            When {file} contains wildcards it is expanded to all
            matching files.  Example: >
                :runtime! plugin/*.vim

So you should be able to use runtime! ~/.vim/rc.d/*

  • Unfortunately this seems to break vim-plug. I'm not sure why
    – causaSui
    Sep 1, 2020 at 19:55

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